ICC Code Connect® API

Empowering Organizations with ICC Code Content Integration
A seamless solution for Integrating ICC Code Content with your workflow application

Workplace Integration

ICC Code Connect® API provides organizations with instant access to the latest building code requirements within their existing workflow application


"Easy access to the fire, building, and mechanical codes that I use every day. It is fantastic."

David, Engineer


Empowering Institutions with seamless control and convenience

Tools and features:

  • Simplified search tools
  • Latest code content
  • Confidence in accuracy
  • Never miss an update
  • Streamline common code references within your portal or workflow tool

How ICC Code Connect® API Works

ICC Code Connect API establishes a direct connection to ICC’s codes and standards from within an organization's workflow tool via API:

  • Search and import the latest code content directly to your building code software
  • Your software (teal boxes) communicates directly with ICC Code Connect database (orange boxes)


Make Your Plan Review More Efficient

  • Avoid mistakes when capturing code citations manually from outdated print or PDF files
  • Automatically link a section reference to the complete section text
  • Quickly copy and paste code content into correction letters and other review documents
  • Integrate content directly onto the screens your team works with

"Using the ICC Code Connect API puts all the code information essentially at your fingertips, literally. "

Roy, Architect

ICC Code Connect® API Marketplace

Service Level Agreements established with third-party resellers to offer ICC Code Connect API as a value-add feature to their software

  • Technology based advantage
  • Additional revenue stream
  • Offer more/influence customer choice
  • Easy onboard
  • Better code integration
  • Real time updates
  • Code content paid by Jurisdiction
  • Customer reporting tools

Approved third-party providers and resellers
(More third-party providers coming soon.)

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Emergency Networking

ICC Code Connect® API Pricing

Full ICC Code Connect API solution is dependent on completing both an implementation and content licensing agreement

  1. Solutions Integration to be developed to a software solution
    • Implementation Fee
    • Development support provided by ICC
  2. Content Licensing to deliver desired content titles through the existing integration

Set Up and Connection

Solutions Integration: Software companies will sign license agreement for the integration with ICC.

  • Implementation fee (covers implementation and SLA level terms on-going)
  • Implementation fee includes:
    • Implementation Support
    • On-going access
  • ICC promotes integration through Code Connect API vendor marketplace
Kickoff Technical Implementation
Vendor Authorization Token Provided
API Endpoint
Access Granted

Content Licensing Pricing

ICC provides annual subscription price for access to code contents by title

  • Jurisdiction cost determined by population and quantity of titles
  • Vendor/Company cost determined by employee size and quantity of titles
  • Allow clients to utilize existing content license key across multiple vendors

Samples of contents currently available

  1. 2021 I-Codes
  2. 2018 I-Codes
  3. 2020 New York State Codes
  4. 2018 New Jersey Codes
  5. 2017 Ohio Codes

Additional content offerings added to Code Connect API upon market interest

eCode360 API available for jurisdictions with eCode360 instance

(For pricing, contact Phil Anthony at panthony@iccsafe.org)

ICC Code Connect® API Technical Features

  • SSO Authentication through OAuth2.0
  • Integrate Code Contents (Sections, Tables, Figures) to software solutions directly from the reliable, authentic source
  • Data returned in JSON format and include ability to retrieve individual sections up to entire chapters through single request
  • Access to new versions of titles as they are published as well as all historical versions
  • Search capabilities across available titles
  • Access to available contents bundled by title, custom groups of titles or all contents
  • Documentation and sample endpoint responses available from: https://api.iccsafe.org



eCode360® API

  • Designed to provide programmatic access to eCode360 content
  • Available to General Code clients with an active eCode360 product
  • Licensed per municipality

eCode360 API Technical Features

  • Paired-key authentication
  • Client or General Code can manage keys
  • Integrate Code Content to software solutions directly or via Code Connect middleware
  • Structure API describes the way content is organized
  • Search API leverages same search engine and results used in eCode360
  • Content API leverages same content used in eCode360
  • Data returned in JSON format and includes ability to retrieve content from individual subsections up to entire chapters through single request
  • Documentation and sample endpoint responses available from: https://developer.ecode360.com/ 

Contact Us

For more information, please fill out the following form or contact panthony@iccsafe.org